Thursday, April 2, 2015

The other side.Wangmo walked down the snowy path staring up at the t­ree shadows against the dark sky. She wished for her friends and family. Normally she was not scared of anything but just that morning she heard that a person died. Some said it was a boy and some a girl. She did not know why but that news made her uneasy. She felt she had to know who that person is.She quickened her pace, her eyes searching for the unseen. Her eyes locked on a single figure on the road ahead. Reciting her prayers she walked on. The boy looked back and seeing her, smiled. He was a boy she knew in school.‘His name was Wangda, I think’ she murmured to herself.   “Hey, Wangmo, where are you going these late at night.”“Oh… I am just headed home. I went to my aunt’s house but she was not there.”“I am headed home too. I can accompany you if you want.”“Thanks a lot Wangda I was beginning to get scared after what I heard today.”“You mean about the person who was run over by a truck in Babesa.”“Yes. I heard the person was killed right in front of my aunt’s house.”“Did you see anything?”“No. By the time I reached there, everyone was gone.” “I heard the person was a class twelve student.” Said Wangda, leaning closer.“Oh! I just hope the family is okay.”“I hope that too.”Wangmo looked ahead to find themselves right in front of her house.“It was nice talking to you, Wangmo.  I wish I had known you better.” Said Wangda turning to leave.“Do you want to come in?” asked Wangmo.“No. It’s okay. I think you already have a lot of guests.” He said indicating to her house.She looked to see many people coming and entering her normally quiet house. Her aunt was also there. ‘So she was here.’ She thought.“Thank you for the company Wangda. Goodnight!”“Goodnight!” he said jogging down the road.‘What is going on here?’ she thought as she went through the throng smiling. On top of the door in big letters were the words, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’. Suddenly she realized that it was her birthday. She had completely forgotten about it but her parents hadn’t. For every birth she wished for them to be her parents. She opened the door, finally feeling warm and protected. She went inside calling “Mom…. Dad. Are you trying to throw a surprise party for me?”She saw her father, as cold and blank as a statue. She found her mother next to him surrounded by their neighbors and relatives. She was in tears, silently sitting beside Wangmo’s body.  

Saturday, November 8, 2014

A lone Flower.

What can a lone flower do?

Struggling through a crack,

The wind brushes by.

The water avoids me,

Sun bares its anger,

Only the impotent earth,

Here to comfort me,

I cry out,

‘The day is too rough and long,

The night breezes by.’

I seek help around,

Only to find my shadow,

It raises its hands to me,

To grant my long waited sleep.

  The poem is about the hardships that one faces in this brief life. The character in the poem decides suicide as the final solution.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

My assignment photographs for Photojournalism.
-Rule of third.

 -Leading lines.

One Saturday in the life of an ordinary person.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

My summer vacation.

Trip to Bajo.
Just yesterday my mother and I went to shopping in Bajo. We live in Punakha but my father has his office in Bajo. These days he comes home for lunch so we went with him and came when his office hours were over. His office is at the top lane so we got out at the last lane to shop our way up.

We did not have many things to buy but the things we had to buy were of different items. So we thought that we would take lots of time going from shop to shop. But the complete opposite happened we got all our things from the first four shops we visited. We bought our clothes from the first shop we visited after getting off the vehicle. We got my electronic things from the second shop we went to and the kitchen items from the third shop. Then we just strolled through the town seeking anything that might catch our eyes. After reaching father’s office we stayed there till father’s office hour was over.

My father loves sports and he can play many different sports too. His favourite is Archery or I assume its archery because he mostly plays archery.  Because of these he knows all the archery ground there are near him. One of them is the recently built archery ground in Bajothanggu near the Punatshang Chhu. On our way back from Bajo yesterday father took us there. In the middle of the archery ground there is a small shop near the river bank. The shop has a little veranda built facing the river. From there we get to see the slowing flowing river in front and the mountain surrounding it. The shop feels like it’s built over the river even though there is about two metre gap between the shop and the river.  It is a very peaceful place. From the little veranda we could see about twelve temples including Nalanda and Khujula Goenpa.

my summer vacation.

My Mother's Garden.
My mother loves to maintain her own garden. Everywhere we stay she always keeps a small garden, both vegetables and flower. She likes to collect different flowers especially different colours of geranium. If my mother is nowhere to be found in the house she is in her garden.
She mostly grows maize, chilli, beans, tomato, pumpkin, eggplants, peas, shallots, sag and garlic. When I came home this vacation there are mostly maize, chilli, beans and pumpkin. Because of these I get to eat as many maize as I want.
These days it is very hot especially in the morning, therefore she tends her garden in the afternoon when the sun is not so hot. The maize in the garden was ripe so I too helped to pluck it. We weeded the vegetable garden and plucked the maize.

Here are some pictures of the flowers she collects.